Reddam House Durbanville is proud to announce the exceptional results of its students who...
Reddam House Durbanville students shine...
The Cambridge International School leaving qualifications are a growing option for many...
Reddam House Cape schools achieve...
Joseph Carmody from Reddam House Constantia achieved a national ranking within the top 5%...
Reddam House Durbanville Class of 2023...
Designed to challenge the academic abilities of students and prepare them for further...
Western Cape Reddam House’s Class of...
The Cape Town schools are Reddam House Constantia (Constantia Valley), Reddam House...
Reddam House Durbanville’s Class of 2022...
Designed to test the academic abilities of students and prepare them for further study at...
Two Cape Town girls achieve...
Tatiana Thomatos, who is in Grade 6 at Reddam House Durbanville, won gold at the World...
262 IGCSE distinctions achieved by 48...
Among the most outstanding achievements in a year of stellar results was a 99% mark in the...
Two Cape Town students celebrate...
Laura Brink, who last year achieved the coveted position of Top in the World for AS-Levels...