Our Reddam House curriculum is tailored to the needs of our young and dynamic student body and we aim to cover all aspects of required learning as well as going beyond expectations in order to entice eager minds to seize opportunities and try new and challenging pursuits. The staff is a dedicated and hardworking group of professionals, and passionate about the Reddam House ethos and mission statements.

We relish the opportunity of offering cultural pursuits and a myriad of sporting codes both during the school day and afterwards. It is astounding to see how many children participate in so many different activities when guided by professionals and encouraged by staff and parents. We are a family which celebrates individuality, we seek to learn from each other, we solve problems or conflicts with an eagerness to rise above the inevitable hindrances of life and we seek to set children on a path of personal happiness and self-fulfilment.
Children in our Preparatory School are exposed to the Cambridge Primary Curriculum, incorporating the very best of the English and South African educational systems to develop a challenging and internationally recognised curriculum.
While our emphasis in the Junior Preparatory is on English, Mathematics and Science, children are exposed to a broad-based curriculum. Music, Drama, Art, IT, History, Geography, Life Orientation, Physical Education and Bible/Moral Studies are taught from Grade 1, to which is added a wide range of extra mural activities and games.
In our Senior Preparatory phase, the Cambridge International Primary curriculum continues to Grade 6, changing to the Cambridge International Lower Secondary from Grade 7. This curriculum phase is taught to Grade 9. The Lower Secondary curriculum is the best preparation for high school academics, whether students elect to continue being taught the Cambridge International curriculum or they elect to follow the IEB.
In our Senior Preparatory phase, the curriculum continues in the same subjects and disciplines. Afrikaans and French are the two second languages offered at the school and tuition in these begins in Grade 3 and Grade 5 respectively. The key emphasis remains on English, Mathematics and Science.
In Grade 5, children begin with weekly Cycle Tests, which prepare them for the examinations that are written in Grade 5 and which continue in the College.
We offer a wide range of sporting options to suit the season, with regular sessions for all, together with the opportunity to play in competitive teams. Whilst children are encouraged and coached to reach their full potential, the primary aim is for children to enjoy and participate in a wide variety of sports. Activities include Soccer, Rugby, Cricket, Hockey, Netball, Tennis, Swimming, Cross-Country, Karate, Golf, Mountain and Biking.
At Reddam House we believe that all children should have opportunities to develop confidence and nurture artistic and creative talents. As a result, our Performing and Expressive Arts Department is a busy and vibrant community. We like to boast that your child can learn to play any instrument they wish to, and we offer individual tuition in recorder, flute, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone, keyboard, piano, violin, guitar, ukulele, drums and voice. We have two choirs and a Marimba Band, and children can also join the Drama Club.
Our children can choose to do Contemporary Dance as part of their school curriculum. The Reddam House Dance Academy offers Ballet, Hip Hop and Modern Dance to examination level, as part of our extra-curricular programme. In Dance we learn, in Dance we grow, in Dance we escape. In Dance… We Fly! To learn more, visit WE FLY.
Our children have the opportunity to showcase their talents through solo concerts, ensemble concerts, dance showcases and drama performances throughout the year.